For Parents
Lead By Example
Teach through constant and consistent demonstration and discussion​
Training Equals Growth
Train for the skills you want to see with exercises and role play; have fun with it​
Self-Care is Vital
Take plenty of breaks to reset and refocus​; you cannot pour from an empty cup
Be a Role Model
Treat your spouse how you want your children’s spouse to treat them; every interaction counts
Reflect During Every Interaction
Tell each other what you notice the other feeling and doing with acknowledging statements
Grow Spiritually
Trust your Creator to provide; your worry worries your family
Release Your Family
Trust your training and if you can't, train more. Panic about your family's struggles will result in worse behavior and emotion
Brainstorm Together
Talk to each other in regular family meetings about the health of the family and get solutions from everyone and problem solve together​
Organize Home & Expectations
Take inventory of all family possessions and delegate responsibilities for their care; consider chore charts and incentive plans to keep everyone reminded, motivated, and consistent
Make a Plan
Take a look at where each family member has been, where they are at, and where they are headed​. Celebrate every small step taken and plan steps to reach new potential